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Thursday, December 16, 2010

We Got Them There....

OK.....we got them there.  Now, let's see them actually fix the budget that the Democrats have done such a fine job messing up.  Look especially at our friends from Indiana...THREE OF THEM...Rokita, Stutzman and Young on this committee.  Go to it guys.......learn quickly......remember the vows:  Smaller government, lower taxes, responsible spending.  Watch this space!

GOP names 11 freshmen to House Budget Committee
By Erik Wasson
The House Republican Steering Committee on Thursday named 11 incoming freshmen and two returning members to the House Budget Committee. The newly elected fiscal conservatives are expected to back GOP efforts to pass an austerity budget resolution next year.

The incoming GOP freshmen are Justin Amash (Mich.), Bill Flores (Texas), Tim Huelskamp (Kan.), Mick Mulvaney (S.C.), Jim Renacci (Ohio), Reid Ribble (Wis.), Todd Rokita (Ind.), David Schweikert (Ariz.), Marlin Stutzman (Ind.), Todd Young (Ind.) and James Lankford (Okla.).

The returning GOP members are Todd Akin (Mo.) and Tom McClintock (Calif.)

“The fiscal and economic challenges before us will require policymakers committed to reform and unwavering in their convictions. For this reason, I am excited to welcome an impressive group of new members to the House Budget Committee, each of whom bring considerable talent and energy to help get a grip on the explosive growth of government spending,” incoming House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said in a statement. 

McClintock's office noted in a statement that as a fiscal hawk in the California legislature he introduced "hundreds of specific budget reforms, including tax, spending and borrowing limitations; contracting out of state services; pension, welfare and education reform and bureaucratic streamlining."

Does it pay to succeed?

Why Work Hard When Wealth is Being Redistributed So Effectively?
     There is an astonishing study posted this week at National Review Online of a look at disposable income and household economics that is rather concerning. Does it pay to work hard and avoid scamming the system anymore? It is a question that points back to our foundational principles and the observation made by founders like John Adams who noted that our system of government is made only for a moral and virtuous people, it is wholly inadequate for the governance of any other.
     There is a lot of talk about the rich paying their fare share. Yet, it seems that it is not just the rich who are getting soaked, but also the middle class who are paying for others' lifestyles.
     The study compared a one-parent family of three making a minimum wage of $14,500 a year with a middle-class family making $60,000. What they found is that the $14,500 household may have more disposable income at the end of the day . . . and you, the taxpayer, are footing the bill under current government policies. Take a look:

Perhaps the president and those in congress should spend more time looking at this problem instead of complaining that the rich don’t pay their fair share.