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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Abortion Attitudes - May 24, 2011

     ABORTION.  There are lots of topics we discuss that could be described as “hot”.  In other words, they generate more division, more passion, more derision than any other topic you could choose.  The abortion topic is right there at the top.  That makes me wonder why the News and Tribune chose it to “fall on their sword” over.
     Certainly, this hot topic will generate more discussion and controversy than any other.  That can result in increased readership which might ultimately make more profit for the newspaper.  It may be a smart business decision.  But, taking one side of the argument unfortunately defines your paper and can alienate, in this case, half of your readership.  At the very least, it sacrifices any claim you may have to being unbiased.
     Without question, this issue divides us locally and nationally like no other issue.  I asked one of our New Albany mayoral candidates how he justified his campaign with what he confessed to me was his stand on abortion.  He rather naively told me he didn’t think abortion was an issue for New Albany.  I asked him to tell that to his constituents representing Choices for Women and Planned Parenthood.  It is easy to see, if by nothing more than reading the comments on the recent Tribune articles on this topic, that New Albanians, Southern Indiana Hoosiers and Americans in general are very passionate about this topic.
     What seems to come through loud and clear in these discussions is that the issue is polarizing.  On one side, it is true that the Supreme Court has declared this procedure legal.  Of course, if you actually read the ruling on Roe vrs. Wade, you will find that the Supreme Court only ruled that it is a woman’s “right to privacy” that would not be violated and that she has a right to do with her body whatever she wants to.  The Supreme Court flatly refused to even consider rendering an opinion on whether the baby inside the mother was life or not.  If they had ruled it life, of course, then they would have been obligated by the Constitution to protect it.  Half of us believe that it is life while the other half insist that it is just a tissue.
     I would ask those who would choose to judge our Governor for his “irresponsible” actions in agreeing with the majority of our elected representatives to defund Planned Parenthood in Indiana to remember that his decision does represent the opinions of at least half of us Hoosiers.  I would even go so far as to suggest that in our area where most Southern Indiana Hoosiers describe themselves as “conservative” that number is way over half.
     As the GOP chairman, I’m always amazed by Democrats who call themselves “pro-life” Democrats…..especially since the platform of the Party clearly identifies itself with the pro-abortion or pro-choice stand.  I always emphasize that your vote not only identifies you with an individual but with a set of beliefs that that individual and his Party represents.
      I would encourage each of us to return to an attitude that continues to respect the differences of opinions we all have without resorting to objectionable behavior to win our arguments.  I would also encourage us….as I have done many times…..to truly decide who to support and vote for this November, not just for what they can give us but for what they stand for and truly believe.  It takes time and work, but it produces better elected officials and helps us stay involved.  In the end, we get the government we deserve…..unless of course, you’re one of those individuals who doesn’t even vote.  But that is a topic for another time.

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